The Sikh Center of San Francisco Bay Area
Gurdwara Sahib established since 1976
ੴ God Is One!

Gurdwara News/Information Release Log

Statement on Bhai Paramjit Singh Ji (Khalsa School Principal), along with his Khalsa School administrative team

by Gurdwara Management Committee | August 27, 2024 | Source | Loacal Sangat WhatsApp Group

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

Dear Sadh Sangat Ji,

We hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. Due to recent events, it is imperative that we address certain matters to ensure transparency and clarity within our Sangat. It is with regret that we inform you that Bhai Paramjit Singh Ji (Khalsa School Principal), along with his Khalsa School administrative team, has resigned from their positions from Sri Guru Angad Dev Khalsa School, without giving any prior notice and by misleading the parents. Before resigning, they were actively sending messages in the school’s group, creating a false impression of their continued involvement; while on the other hand, they were secretly planning their resignation. Unfortunately, these resignations were accompanied by unfounded accusations against the management committee. We wish to clarify the reality of the situation as follows:

  • 1. Allegations of Committee Interference: Bhai Paramjit Singh Ji has claimed that the management committee is interfering politically in the functioning of his school. This accusation is completely baseless. On the contrary, it was Bhai Paramjit Singh Ji who engaged in divisive politics by directly participating in the selection of the management committee, thereby attempting to create factions within the Sangat. Despite his claims of maintaining an impartial stance in the Gurughar’s political affairs, Bhai Paramjit Singh has been a vociferous advocate of giving preferential treatment to certain individuals in committee selection processes. In all of his roles, under the guise of neutrality, Bhai Paramjit Singh has further sowed doubt and discord within the sangat.
  • 2. Misrepresentation at the General Meeting: During the general meeting, Bhai Paramjit Singh Ji and his team made disparaging remarks against members of the Sangat who selflessly serve the Gurughar. The audio and video recordings of this speech are available in the committee's records for anyone who wishes to review them.
  • 3. Obstruction of Amrit Sanchar: Bhai Paramjit Singh Ji’s administrative team attempted to disrupt the Amrit Sanchar ceremony. Despite requests from children, Bhai Paramjit Singh Ji did not attend the Gurmat camp, and his admin team completely abstained from participation.
  • 4. Addressing Rumors and False Propaganda: Bhai Paramjit Singh Ji and his administrative team are spreading baseless rumors against the committee, driven by political motives. Despite the false propaganda initiated by their recent letter, the committee has chosen to maintain its dignity by not engaging in unnecessary disputes, though we have ample evidence to counter their claims.
  • 5. Spreading Disinformation about the Gatka Incident: The Gatka issue has been grossly misrepresented by Bhai Paramjit Singh Ji and his team, leading to confusion within the community. The management committee received an alarming complaint that some young girls learning Gatka were subjected to inappropriate behavior by the Gatka teacher, Didar Singh. The complaint outlined many concerning actions that emerged from sexual intent. Upon receiving complaints from the girls and their parents, the committee took swift action by halting the Gatka classes and informing Didar Singh that he could no longer conduct these classes. Didar’s response, however, further endangered our local community’s safety. By bringing armed criminals into the gurdwara and deliberately creating a chaotic atmosphere to pressure the management committee, Didar refused to comply with the committee’s explicit request to not teach gatka. The Gurughar’s management prioritizes the safety of its congregation and children, and this decision, and all further decisions, underscore that commitment.
  • 6. Jeopardizing the Safety of the Congregation: The safety of our daughters in the Gurughar is of utmost importance. It is important to note that the previous committee had also received the same complaints of sexual harassment involving Didar Singh, due to which they had suspended him from conducting Gatka classes. However, Bhai Paramjit Singh Ji and his administrative team threatened to immediately shut down the Khalsa School if any further action was taken against Didar Singh. By misusing his role to serve a personal relationship, and by amalgamating two separate issues, Bhai Paramjit Singh abandoned his professional obligations while cultivating distrust and animosity within the sangat. When the Khalsa School’s principal and administrative team demonstrates such unethical and reprehensible behavior, while blatantly disregarding the management committee’s decisions which are taken in the interest of the congregation at large, the current committee has no choice but to take a stand. The current committee even requested Bhai Paramjit Singh Ji to remove Didar Singh from the school. However, instead of resolving the issue, Bhai Paramjit Singh Ji chose to resign and mislead the Sangat by making baseless accusations against the current committee in a misleading letter.
  • 7. Commitment to Upholding Gurughar Principles: The management committee remains committed to safeguarding the principles of our Gurughar, and more importantly, the core precepts of Sikhism. We are in the process of appointing a new, highly qualified principal and teachers, with the support of the Sangat, to continue the work of the school. Gatka classes will also resume under the guidance of a new, and qualified instructor, following proper registration. With the grace of Waheguru, the Gurdwara Management Committee will continue to serve the Sangat with integrity and dedication.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Gurdwara Management Committee

Statement on why entire Khalsa School administration team resigned

by Khalsa School administration team | August 25, 2024 | Source | Khalsa School WhatsApp Group

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

We regret to inform you that Bhai Parmjit Singh, Principal of Khalsa School, and the entire Khalsa School administration team are resigning from Sri Guru Angad Dev Khalsa School, effective immediately. This decision has been driven by several challenges that we have encountered in recent weeks with the Parbandhak Committee:
  • 1) Unreasonable Interference by the Gurudwara Parbandhak Committee: The Committee has sought to reshuffle the Khalsa School administration team without justification and introduce new members from the Committee into the administration team. For several years, the Khalsa School administration has comprised solely active teaching staff, each with specific duties aimed at the welfare of the students. A reshuffle at the discretion of the Parbandhak Committee, without a defined process or clear criteria, would impede our ability to serve the school effectively.
  • 2) *Loss of Trust with the Gurudwara Parbandhak Committee: Recent interactions with the Committee have significantly eroded our trust. For example, during our recorded meeting with the Committee on August 18, we agreed to get back to the Committee about their request to reshuffle the Administration team after consulting with all Khalsa School teachers. However, contrary to this agreement, we received an unexpected email notice on August 19 where the Committee announced its unilateral decision to break up the existing administration team immediately (and keep only 2 members from the existing team and add 3 new members from the Committee without naming them). In the same email we were ordered to provide personal data of all registered students within 24 hours.
  • 3) Lack of response to our Questions & Concerns Raised in the August 20 Email: We responded to the Committee's decision communicated on August 18 with genuine questions regarding the timeline for consulting with Khalsa School teachers, and a repeated request to commence Khalsa School. However, we did not receive any response from the Committee to that communication.
  • 4) Preventing the Commencement of Khalsa School Today by the Existing Administration Team and Principal: The Committee disregarded our repeated requests to allow the existing team to commence Khalsa School today and did not provide the Principal, Bhai Parmjit Singh, the opportunity to deliver the commencement speech. This is despite the Committee's prior agreement in the August 18 meeting that we could proceed with the Sehej Paath Bhog and the school commencement today.
  • 5) Removal of Gatka from the Khalsa School Curriculum: During the same August 18 meeting, the Committee announced their decision to remove Gatka from the Khalsa School curriculum without objective reasoning or open discussion. The Committee claimed that Khalsa School falls under their jurisdiction, thereby granting them the authority to enforce decisions unilaterally.

We firmly believe that educational institutions are best managed by a democratic team that considers input from all members and prioritizes the welfare of the entire student body. As dedicated volunteers who have contributed years of selfless service to Khalsa School, we cannot support irrational and subjective decision-making. This approach conflicts with our values and ethics. Unfortunately, recent actions by the Committee seem to be driven by other agendas rather than the betterment of Khalsa School.

We are grateful for the opportunity we had to teach your children and serve at the Gurughar. We hope that Waheguru will bless us with more opportunities for seva in the future. Sincerely,

Guru Angad Dev Khalsa School Administration Team,
- Bhai Parmjit Singh, MA Bed. In Religious Studies
- Dr. Sukhwinder Kaur, Phd. In Plant Pathology
- Er. Harjinderpal Singh Sidhu, MTech in Computer Science and Engineering
- Harpreet Kaur Sidhu, Bachelor of Science in Finance and Business Administration
- Mandeep Kaur, Bachelor of Science in Medical
- Shaila Narang Batra, Masters in Finance and Business Administration